Monday, July 18, 2011

Why we can not find a presidential candidate with honesty and integrity?

Why we can not find a presidential candidate with honesty and integrity?

Q: Which ONE of the following qualities are you MOST looking for in the next U.S. president?
  • Toughness - 279 (5%)
  • Decisiveness - 438 (8%)
  • Integrity - 2,921 (56%)
  • Intelligence - 826 (16%)
  • Experience - 264 (5%)
  • Fairness - 458 (9%)
  • Compassion - 56 (1%)
  • Morality
  • Accountability
  • Honesty
  • Humility
  • Sense of Humor
  • Leadership and vision
  • Someone with no hidden agenda
  • Someone who cares about the country and its citizens
  • Someone who upholds the law

assertiveness/strength, decisiveness, honesty, morality, the ability to comprehend the rationale supporting opposing viewpoints, an ability to recognize self limitations and mistakes, accountability, kindness and compassion as well as a sense of humor are all essential characteristics

“Harry Truman said, 'A man not honorable in his marital relations is not usually honorable in any other.' Some voters don't feel comfortable supporting a candidate who's not remained faithful to his or her spouse. Can you understand their position?"

Look, this is really dicey territory. Let me say it this way. I think that one's character, one's honesty, one's integrity, is a habit of the mind. I don't think people can be dishonest in one aspect of their life, and compartmentalize it and be viewed as being honest in other parts of life.

If the tendency is to cut a corner; if the tendency is not to tell the truth; the probability is, that in a moment of crisis, where that person's interests are at stake, they're likely revert to the bad tendencies. If the habit of the heart and the habit of the mind is, that whether you're dealing with promising the parking attendant you're going to be back in 20 minutes. Or you're telling your wife something, or you are going to the nation and making a commitment.

There is -- habits are habits. And they all relate to, seems to me, how an individual values what they say as being important and relevant. Everybody makes mistakes. I don't have a -- you know, I don't pass harsh judgments on people who make -- my dad used to say; very good people do very bad things sometimes. But it's more of whether it's a pattern or a mistake.

And I think that it's awfully hard to be -- have a pattern of dishonesty in relationships, married or otherwise, and be reliable in difficult circumstances where other people are depending on the veracity of what you say.

Should marital infidelity be part of the equation, in your view, when a voter is evaluating a candidate?


I think that's for every voter to decide. Voters make -- as they should -- make decisions relative to the leaders based on their needs. The need of the voter. And if you have someone who is, you need someone to be a great general to win a battle and he is a no-good guy, you'd never want to show up for dinner. You might very well say, I'd vote for that guy to be the general. I'd vote that person or that woman to be the -- you know, the governor, or whatever.

I think people make very rational decisions based upon whether or not the character flaw in the individual they're looking at relates to something that affects their lives or the life of their country. And for some people, the overwhelming requirement, overwhelming characteristic they want is honesty. And that would be a difficult thing for ... the voter who has that as the highest priority, to vote for someone likes that.

But it's an interesting thing. I remember asking ... one of the people who's ... a smart guy, is this guy Frank Luntz, who does these groups. And I remember hearing him speak and saying that the polling data shows that the characteristic -- he asked the question generically.

What characteristic do you think the American people most look for in their ... in their president? And I immediately said, honesty, integrity. In my mind. And he said, no, no. Then he asked the audience. And they said -- the simple most important thing they're looking for is resilience. Someone who can take a "hit" and get back up and move on. That's an interesting  -- phenomena.

I've been in public life most of my adult life, and I wouldn't have said that. But you think about it. It's probably one of those characteristics that gives people confidence that you can lead the country through what they know are going to be ups and downs. But, so, that's a long answer to your short question.

I think that, for some people, if honesty, if the -- if absolute integrity of the character of a person you're looking for to be president is the criteria for you, then I think it probably matters a lot. If it is determining who can best drive this train right now at this moment, it may or may not be.

As we endeavor to live the great American leaders’ dream, let Integrity and Honesty be our bedrock; a real sign post to responsible American leadership. Remember you can not stop injustice in society, but you can fairly treat those with whom you do business. You can not stop blood shed in the world, but you can donate blood and save somebody’s life. You can not bring about world peace but you can live at peace with your neighbors and members of your family.  And finally you can not compel others to be honest but you can keep your word and live in integrity.

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